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Re: I wanna be your dawg

> I still think it's a leap to say the Ramones influenced The SP.


I'd say NO to that, even if Jeff says yes and I hate to disagree with him. I
think they evolved independently, as did The Who and Velvet Underground
(both highly influential for Punk)...not having heard one another.

> easy argument to make partly because punk 'attitude' has often prevented
> musicians from acknowledging that anyone had any influence on them.


But both the Pistols and Ramones covered Substitute. And THAT is the kind of
acknowledgement I like. Yes I do...

> So lets say the Ramones did not influence SP, did 'My Generation'
> influence both?  For extra credit - how?

I'd say it being the song which broke the mold MG then allowed them to do
whatever they wanted, therefore it influenced them as much as it did King

> You would have to ask them. :-)
> But, clearly MG was the springboard for Punk.  When the first instrument
> smashed, the diver hit the pool as it were.

It's easy to see Punk from the early Who, from MG but more easily from AAA
which is Punk if nothing else in the era is! "I can go anywhere I want to/I
can live anyhow win or lose/I can do anything for something new..." If
that's not Punk, what is?
"Nothing gets in my way/Not even locked doors..." YAH!!

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               Cheers                 ML