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"The Kids" is all wrong

> I'm 99% certain that if there is a U.S. DVD of Kids (and I don't trust
> Amazon on title releases), it will be the same awful version we've put up
> with since the mid-80's.


Since you're always right, that's depressing. But on the possible positive
side, when they remaster DVDs into 5.1 they usually "fix" whatever's wrong,
even if it's just making a director's cut or "special edition" with more
bonus material. So we can assume that at least they looked at the option.
Maybe, just maybe, they did the right thing.

> It's an old point.


Impossible, if the word "suddenly" is being used. But what I get from what
was said is they might have been high profile, but suddenly they're highER
profile! Still not high enough for me, though.

> Long overdue for U2, being Who fans themselves.

I agree. It would be nice to get a tribute album with bands of this caliber
on it.

> >Roger's falsetto makes him kind of sound like Pete's woman:-) 



> I was listening to my discs of Pete's MP3s this morning, trying to find
> refuge from the reprehensible US Supreme Court decision of last night.

I'm listening to Tommy right now, for the very same reason. It's a dark day
for Democracy. Some people will do anything to grab power, including
disenfranchising the population of his or her country. I can only be happy
to see it so blatantly exposed to the light of day, and congratulate Al
Gore for his sacrifice in order to do this.

"The new President of The United States 
        is what I would call a cunt "
                         Pete Townshend

               Cheers                 ML