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Re: The Who Mailing List Digest V6 #41

Travels With The Who Part 3
I go back to my dorm after getting just a couple of hours sleep and my
roommates ask.."So where are you going so suddenly"...I answer "The Who just
asked my friend and me to go with them to Chicago for three days."  I could
tell by their expressions that they didn't believe me...the next morning the
whole city was talking about the mini-Woodstock that was held on SIU's campus
and it was on the front page of the newspaper. (It's in my Beatle scrapbook.)
I knew  that I needed to leave word with my older sister (which by the way,
Keith kept trying to get me to go to her house and get her Beachboy and Jan
and Dean 45's) that I was going to be gone for a while.  I called her and she
tried to talk me out of going.  I find out when I got back that she called my
father to tell him what I was doing and he tried to call the airport to stop
me....that's one page I'm glad I didn't get!!  

I drove my Chevy Nova back to the Holiday Inn and saw my girlfriend, Linda,
Wiggy (one of their managers..they called him Wiggy because he was bald), Bob
Pridden, Peter Rudge (their road manager) and The Who scattered around the
motel and standing by the limos.  It had been decided that Roger was going to
drive the limo instead of the driver, Joe, because he got pretty loaded the
night before.   My friend and I were pretty excited to see and talk to Roger
for the first time.  We didn't see him the night before because he was with a
tall, thin, red-haired groupie..named Paula. She usually stayed with him when
he came to St. Louis.  I found out years later, when I met Roger's wife, that
she too was a tall, thin, redhead and he was very attracted to my girlfriend
Linda who also had those characteristics. If anyone is into astrology, Roger
is a Pisces and many seem to be drawn to Cancer women with those qualities.

So their managers rode in one limo and my friend and I got to ride with The
Who.  I will never forget the ride to the airport!  Roger at the wheel, the
radio on and the DJs talking about the concert the night before...their witty
sense of humor.  I would have given anything to relive those times I spent
with them and be the age I am now instead of 18 yrs. old.

We arrive at O'Hare Airport and I was even more overwhelmed!   Everyone went
into the gift shops and I tagged along..just listening and bewildered.  Then
we get back into the limo and headed towards the Watertower Hotel in downtown
Chicago.  The members were given their itineraries and everyone went to their
rooms.  I went with John and my friend with Keith.  That night..was the night
that I really fell in love with The Who.
To be continued....
To Alan and Carl..I'm glad you are enjoying my adventure stories...I'll
probably be editing out quite a bit of the sexual stuff though..although I
guess I shouldn't it would make it more fun to read>LOL There are quite a few
episodes left.
To Bill...he didn't where his spider necklace when he was with me...I guess he
liked me better! LOL 
This morning I played their greatest hits CD while I was getting ready for
work..it energized me so much that I didn't even drink any coffee!!!