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Roger on "Sliders"

        There's one thing that's really bugging me about this, now that I've
finally seen it.  At the rate of 7 people per month that he's draining, and
if they're only going to slide 300 people, that means that Roger's character
has only 42 months' supply of... whatever.  And he seems to be picking up
the pace, too!  This is not a good plan, Colonel!
        Of course, he might be hoping that there will be humans on the "new
world" that he can... drain.  But they might not be compatible.
        I can't believe I'm even talking about this!  Who cares?!
        Incidentally, the difference in the size of the pupil in his injured
eye is REALLY noticeable at some angles.  (He talked about seeing double,
and once in a while I expected him to start talking to the wrong double of
an actor!)

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"I felt like a raisin in a giant fruit salad, and I didn't even know
  who the cantaloupes were." -Mark Hamill on acting in "Star Wars"