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"How you do it" Vidio TapeSun Dec 7 14:27:27 PST 1997

Dear Mr John Entwhisle
	First of all I hope this message does actually reach you. I have tried many forms of Mail
and have failed miserably. I became interested in the Bass Guitar the first time I heard the song "The Real Me" over 26 years ago. Your style of playing has always been a strong
influence on the way I try to play.
	Now that I'm married, have youngsters almost as old as I was then and loosing my
hair, I still try to achieve that style of playing.
	A few years ago I found a Video Tape that was to help understand your chord patterns, Electronic devices, and other information from you. This was in a magazine which I have not been able to find since. Please if you can help me at all with information on finding this Tape
it would really mean a lot to me.
	I would like to be able to go on with this message, but I'm not even sure if it will get to 
you. Thanks for many years of Music and for the inspiration.
 																Michael J. Farwick