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My marine dictionary:

I should have already known this based on my field of study (I was never
really into the New Generation):

Piccard:  A family of Swiss scientists known for their underwater and
stratospheric research and exploration.  Auguste Piccard, (1884-1962), a
physicist, designed a low-pressure balloon for stratospheric
investigation.  Jean Felix (1884-1963), his twin brother, a chemist who
later became a naturalized American citizen, varied the construction of
the ballon and both brothers made high altitude ballon ascents in 1931,
1932 and 1936 in order to study cosmic rays in the absence of atmospheric
interference.  Auguste also designed the bathyscaphe, a submersible vessel
for deap-sea exploration.  The vessel was built after World War II and
made its first dive in 1958 off the coast of Senegal, West Africa.  The
support ship's captain was Jacques Cousteau.  Other vessels based on the
design of the bathyscaphe were built by Jasques Piccard, Auguste's son,
who also designed a submarine, called the "Ben Franklin", that utilized
subsurface currents as its motive power.  The second submarine was named
"Tommy" after the 1969 rock opera by the band the Who but sank after sonar
engineer Dr. Robert Pridden left a porthole open....

All true, except that last line is pure <piccard>.

John B.