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Re: the digest

Jennifer L. Davies writes:
>         Did anyone else who gets the digest get two copies of a
> nearly-identical half, the 2nd with two extra posts, and a third, which
> would really be the 2nd half but for the duplication of the 1st?....
>         I'm so confused!  (Must be studying for the finals to much!)

You're not confused at all.  Digests 166 and 167 were almost identical.
When I moved stuff to the new site, I changed the program that builds, sends,
and archives the digests (and now includes all of the subject lines up at
the top again... finally).  This program is a bit picky about how file and
directory permissions are set.  It took me a couple iterations to get them
all set correctly, and, in the process of debugging, 166 and 167 got send
out with almost identical info.

Things should be fine now, but let me know if you see any more aberrations.

For those of you who are new, or don't know what the digest is... You can
get your mailing list sent to you in big, compiled chunks instead of each
message individually.  It really helps cut down on the cvolume of mail that
you receive.  To switch over, send the following two lines in the body of
your message to majordomo@igtc.com

unsubscribe thewho
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- -> Paul <-