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Re: Dukes of Stratosphear

Mark, re:

> As for being influenced by Psychedelic Rock (which is surely the PC was of
saying it), I'd have to say that any Rock band was. To some degree, anyway.

You are absolutely right.  Certainly, every form of music that exists or is 
created will have an influence on future musical creations -- (that is,  
unless the artist lives in a bubble!)  And now, we got "Half-Japanese"!!
Where the hell do you go after those guys?!

> The Who made it so that any form was acceptable;                            

I don't know if I would "word" it that way;  I think I would just say that 
the Who got there first!  With the advent of the Who, "heavier" RnR became
more acceptable, so I guess in essence I agree with you.  And, of course, 
as you indicated, PR plowed down even more musical roads. 

>(can you tell I've just finished watching the Beatles Anthologies?).         

Yeah, you and 99.9 % of the planet!  By the way, did you also want to,     
maybe, punch Paul McCartney in the face for his obnoxious and obviously
pompous comments, not to mention some of his stupid ones. (Like the 
example I posted to Jeff Williams a few days ago, about the Ukelele...)
And George was extremely vague and had very little to say... I don't 
know, maybe I'm being to hard on them ..........   NAHHH!

> Before MY GENERATION it was all Chuck Berry/Blues influenced; that was Rock
And Roll. MG created the form called Rock, which encompassed RnR and any other
form to follow...which is the basis on my belief that The Who are the greatest
single contributers to date just for that.

I must say your observations sound accurate to me.                     

> Their first bloody album!      

Absolutely!  Ya know, even if Talmy never gives up the Master tapes to   
My Generation, MCA DID release it on CD, and I love it... it sounds rough, 
but "I Don't Mind"  (sorry, that pun just fell out).  Really now, what's 
this guy's problem...?  Screw him!              

> After that, of course, they went on to do even greater music and make even
more contributions...but that was a feat never to be repeated. Ah...I feel so

Yes!  Long Live Rock!!   Long Live the Who!!!    God Bless the Queen!!
(whoa, better settle down....!)

>       Cheers                       ML         
        Back to ya....                  