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Testy Testy

There are a few people who missed the point about what I said
concerning Linda Perry.  One person was under the impression that I
believe all covers of Who songs to be bad while all Who covers are
great.  That's certainly not true.  It was me who just recently came
out and discussed "Who Covers Who" (a '94 release).  I happen to like
3-4 of the songs on that CD.  If it's a good cover, I'll flat out say
it.  No it doesn't have to sound like the original. And females
count too Ms. KATE!!!!  Anyone who dismisses Patti Labelle's "Acid
Queen" is deaf.  Now THAT is power!

The Who made some BAD cover songs in the early years.
Personally, I can't stand Barbara Ann or Dancing in the Street.
These are few and far between. I've always been partial to Under My
Thumb but the Last Time bothers me.  
However, they've made covers of songs that people could only dream

Maybe I just upset the pro-punk people on this list about my
comments but I don't care.  If a singer doesn't have the range to
sing a song like Dr. Jimmy (which was challenging for Roger in '73,
but he did it) they shouldn't bother.  Perry TRIES to hit the notes
but doesn't make it.  Sure she might've had the passion and emotion,
but she lacked the goods to get it done.  Don't even mention I'm
Free because that's just as bad.  I might be wrong, but in 5-6 years
people are going to wonder who in the hell Linda Perry is.  I see
people like Liz Phair and Juliana Hatfield with more potential in
the long run.  Primarilly because they're good writers.