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Re: Tommy info request

From:          "STIGG" <GMYPJ@academic.stu.StThomasU.ca>
Organization:  St.Thomas University
To:            dshatfor@fox.nstn.ns.ca (Doug Shatford)
 Sun Dec  7 12:17:46 PST 1997
Date:          Mon, 21 Nov 1994 14:05:30 AST
Subject:       Re: Tommy info request
Priority:      normal

I'm not sure if you got my reply, but that Tommy info is very much 
needed soon, so if you can get it thru as soon as possible, i would 
really appreciate it.  I have a week to finish my assignment, and my 
info search or the resources available to me  has been unsuccessful 
up to and including now.  Thanks in advance for any assistance you 
can give

Brandon J. LeBlanc
 St.Thomas University 
 Fredericton, N.B., Canada 
 Email GMYPJ@StThomasU.ca 

sorry I have been burdened down with projects but I will get it to 
you now. BY the way the movie and broadway tommys are different from 
each other. The story is changed. All the stuff in brackets is always 
the movie. You should really see the movie because it will give you a 
pretty good concept on the storyline 
    Tommy was released My 16, 1969. It takes place at the beginning 
of the first world war (second in the musical and the movie) Captain 
Walker is Tommy's father and he has to go off and fight in the war. 
Later on his mother recieves a message that Capt. Walker has gone 
missing (in the musical this is where Uncle Ernie starts drinking) 
and that she will never see him again. She has her baby a few months 
later and on the same day the war ends. When Tommy is four he  
witnesses in the reflection of a mirror his father's death (movie), or his mother's lover's 
death.(orginal tommy and broadway) Instead of getting his father (or 
mother's lover) in trouble he tunes out. He makes himself deaf, dumb, 
and blind.  His parents (or mother and "uncle frank") take him to a 
doctor and they comfirm Tommy's condition. During a Christmas party 
Uncle Ernie plays his french horn (which is played in the orginal 
recording of Tommy by John EnWhistle) Tommy draws closer to the 
music Tommy's father (uncle frank) askes Tommy continueously Tommy 
can you hear me. Tommy doesn't say anything. Tommy's parents have to 
go out and are wondering if it is alright to leave Tommy with Uncle 
Ernie because he is pretty drunk. They decide it is alright to leave 
Tommy and when they leave Uncle Ernie molests him( Fiddle About was 
written by Keith Moon.). When Uncle Ernie 
is done Tommy goes to the mirror and sings in his mind see me feel me 
touch me heal me. Next Tommy's parents leave him with his cousin 
Kevin who is the school bully (this song was written by John 
Enwhistle) Kevin beats tommy up and (in the broadway musical) takes 
him to a pool hall anf leaves him in front of a pinball machine.  The 
machine comes to life. Tommy starts racking up the points and gets 
the attention of the teens in the pool hall. Tommy ends up beating 
the machine. The minster comes in and sees Tommy's miraculous 
behavior and leaves quite shaken. He brings back Tommy's parents and 
they tear Tommy away from the machine (In the Movie, Tommy's parents 
leave him alone in front of the mirror and he follows his spirit to a 
junk yard then it disappears and Tommy becomes lost.l He finds a 
pinball machine in the scrape heap and starts playing it. He plays it 
all night then the police find him and his "Uncle Frank" notices the 
score on the pinball machine and thinks of the possiblities.) Tommy's 
parents take him to another doctor and he can't seem to cure tommy's 
condition but finds out Tommy is aware of sounds around him. After 
the doctor Capt. Walker takes Tommy to see an acid adicted hore 
(pardon my langague) Capt. Walker gets scared and takes Tommy away. 
Tommy then chanllanges the pinball champ and wins and that is the end 
of act one in the muscial.

that is all for me tonight I will comtinue another night if you go to 
the who www (http:\\phakt.usc.edu:2345/who.html) u will be able to get all the lyrics to the tommy songs

Rebecca Shatford

ps dear list if there is any mistakes please send them to Stigg and a 
carbon copy to me thank you .