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Scary Fans

> This is a curious phenomenon that too serious an attachment to Pete or 
> to Roger or to The Who is considered "scary."

It is curious.  I mean, we all know we're freaks, right?  All kidding
aside, we rock fans that obsess with each other on the internet over our 
favorite group *are* a freaky lot.  I think even most casual, non-internet
rock fans would agree.

So, if we're going to talk about "scary" fans, let's remember, we're *all*
halfway there already!  We'll be examining the issue from the inside.
Like astronomers trying to examine our Milky Way galaxy while being em-
bedded inside it.  (Ya' like how I tied that into astronomy?)

> Frankly, I think it's something that's pulled on the women more so than 
> then men on the lists, as there have been comments about this woman or 
> that woman being too attached to Roger or to Pete or whatever. 

But is a girl who constantly makes references to Daltrey's sweet ass really
"scary?"  Or is she just annoying?  ;-)  I mean, unless it develops into
some kind of stalking, I wouldn't call it scary.

> Anyway, is it "scary" for listers to put their true feelings on the 
> lists?  Does this make them seem a psychological risk in some way? Was 
> there some reason that Scott and Kevin shouldn't have said what they felt?

Not at all.  And Jeff's entitled to his opinion, as well.  His kamikaze
tactics are what have us puzzled.  

I can totally see how me thinking an apology by Pete wouldn't go amiss might
piss off another lister who takes the "Pete owes me nothing" approach.

Reading White Wang's constant badgering of Jon Astley's mastering technique
on other lists used to make my blood boil.  I though the criticism far
outweighed the actual reality.  Frustrating, yes,....but not scary.

However, it *became* scary when Pete opened up the bulletin board service
on his website & Wang immediately caused a ruckus with his anti-Astley
attacks, so much so, that Pete had to banish the guy from the forum & then
close it down altogether.  He had Pete's ear & he spit in it.  That was a 
bit scary.

Then, here I come, with my loud-mouthed calls for Pete to be more
sympathet-ic & apologetic, concerning the "scandal."  I bitch & moan on
IGTC, engage 
in some helpful discussions with people of a differing opinion, & try to 
work through my feelings, many of which even *I* am not comfortable with.

Then, up pops Jeff after a long absence inferring that Kevin & I with our
extreme views might actually cause Pete *not* to want to tour again for
fear of encountering fans such as us.  Is that a viable argument?  Is that
a viable fear on Jeff's part?

Anyone who kept up with our posts could see that Kevin & I were getting
emotionally shoved back & forth by the whole Pete thing.  Happy one minute
(when it was announced he wasn't getting charged) & frustrated the next
(when the "unsoothing" diary entries were posted).

Were Kevin & I belligerent in any way?  Did we actually threaten Pete?  Did
we picket for an apology?  Did we send emails & snail mail to Pete c/o Eel
Pie demanding an apology?  Did we burn our Who albums & CD's?  Did we quit
listening to our Who albums & CD's?  Were we filled with hate?  Did we cross
some sort of line?  Did we seem at all unstable?  Did we cross over at any
time into "scariness?"  Really, did we?  Were *we* damaging to Pete & the

Is Jeff correct in calling our behavior scary?  Or was he just lurking &
seething behind the scenes, with an Olympic-like ability to hold a grudge,
waiting for something, some opposing viewpoint with enough passion involved,
that he could jump on & use as an excuse to get a jab in on me & Kevin, &
surprisingly on Mark as well, who holds nearly the same opinion on the
matter as *he* does?!  Does Jeff dislike our opinions.......or does he just
dislike us?  Was his post a serious attempt at discussion?  Or did he just
drop his payload of explosives & fly off?

Am I scary?  Do I have the power to prevent the next Who tour?  Might I
sabotage the next Who album?  Did I drive John Entwistle to do cocaine?
Did I hurt Pete Townshend's feelings?  Did I make him feel paranoid?  Am
I a threat?  Am I scary?

Will Pete invite Jeff over to dinner because Jeff stuck by him?  Will Pete
allow Jeff into the recording studio to watch them record the next Who
album?  Will Pete *want* to go on the road to say thanks to Jeff for being
in his corner?  Will Pete sip brandy with Jeff while they discuss the 
pomposity of those Who fans who couldn't just "move on" after the scandal
had ended?  Is Jeff *that* important & vital to Pete?  Of course he isn't.

Nor am I.

- SCHRADE in Akron