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Re: Sandy does say this :)

<PRE> I have to admit that yes, I do hope they tour again next summer. I was a 
child when I first saw them with Keith, They hooked me, never have enjoyed 
any other groups as much. I have saved so much stuff, my husband thinks I may 
get rid of him to have more room for Who items :) I met Roger at his house 
and he was fantastic, very down to earth. I guess what I am saying is they 
have been a part of my life, all my life. If they don't come back, I will be 
very disappointed. I really enjoyed the shows this summer. If they get tired 
of touring, then they have every right to stop, and we will just have our 
memories. I honestly don't see Roger stopping, and that's what is great about 
today, there is no age that says you have to quit doing what you 