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A focal point in his development was Townshend's intense love
for his free spirited mother. But the idyllic view of his parents as
romantic lovers was shaken early on. His father often went out on
the road, and, finding herself alone for long stretches, Betty pursued
a series of torrid affairs. "She was very, very seductive," relates
Townshend, "a little click-up nose, long dark hair, deep gypsy eyes,
sinewy calves in seamed stockings. Mum was always surrounded
by crowds of men. She had plenty of money, was on her own a lot,
and I think that cause the split."

According to Pete his mother thought nothing of using her young son
as emotional bait to pursue her romantic encounters. Townshend
remembers a tactic whereby he'd climb into a pedal car strategically
placed at the bottom of a steep hill. Betty would then proceed to
push him upward, playing the damsel in distress. Inevitably, a male
passerby would come to the rescue. "It would be into a coffee bar,
he would see her again, and I would be drawn into this tremendous
deceit. When I saw my father, I would feel guilty because I'd been
in bed with my mother and her lover."
