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RE: BjornGrowingupwithTheGrammys,Punk, and SEX

At 09:47 10-1-01 -0500, Kevin wrote:
> >Ciggaar <ciggaar@warande.net>
> >Subject: Re: Keith Moon e-group
> >
> >And I am a big arrogant asshole!!! :-)
> >
> >Cheers,
> >Bjørn Ciggaar
>NO.  I don't believe that.  You've been bashed as of late by "big arrogant
>assholes", but that doesn't make you one.
>Don't change Bjorn, we like you just the way you are.

No, I *AM* an arrogant asshole (in other words, a WHO fan) and I'm damn 
proud of it. And I am also fucking stupid (also because I'm a WHO fan).
Fans that are in the front rows every show (where-ever they may play) ARE 
fucking stupid. Fans that do everything to see the band are also arrogant 
assholes. I'm a 20-year old WHO fan; I am SUPPOSED to be an arrogant 
ashole! A lot of you older fans are *LONGING* to be arrogant assholes (and 
in many ways, Pete is trying to be an arrogant asshole as well). :-)
In other words; we're all fucking stupid! :-)

>Yes, we are talking about THE FUCKING WHO!, but that doesn't mean we have to
>treat each other badly.  That's not what The Who means to me.  In fact,
>quite the opposite.

What? :-) Doesn't all this guitar-smashing provoke agression? :-) But 
you're right; we shouldn't treat other WHO fans badly. We should treat 
rockers badly (and the ledzep fans, etc..)!!! JOIN TOGETHER!!!

> >BTW, I haven't heard a soul say that Tina Turner is too old for it. ;)
> >keets
>"Too old for *it* ??" ;-)   Sex baby, sex.  She ain't too old for sex, and
>that's what allows her to keep on keepin' on.
>If she wasn't so damn sexy, I don't believe she could pull it off.
>(quick disclaimer.......I like Tina's work.)

Yeah; but would you like to see Tina naked??? Ough... (not me!) :-)


Bjørn Ciggaar

"You're all fucking stupid!"
- Pete Townshend (MSG, 7th of October)