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A little perspective is needed. Life is short.

	My brothers, there is much shit a flyin'.
	Our boys are taking some hits.

	I say let's keep some perspective.

	I've just returned from spending the evening with Bob Wier and Rat
	To be more accurate, I've spent the evening with a bunch of true
Dead fans without a home.
	It was sad to me, and gave me reason to pause.

	These fans have faced and are dealing with what we will face in the
	Life is short.  Pete, or Rog, or John, or you, or me could be gone
	Go talk to a Dead fan if you don't believe me.
	They may not show it, but they're in pain.
	Someday, hopefully not for 20-30+ years, we'll be in pain.

	It takes a damn bunch of energy to go out and tour the kind of music
The Who tour.
	I don't know how they do it.
	Some days, I can barely get my ass out of bed.

	So I say, don't listen to all the shit.
	Don't listen to all the nay sayers.
	Don't listen to all the negativity.

	Instead, go out and listen to some of the greatest musicians this
world has seen, doing what *they* want and like, and do best.

	I for one, am going to go join in with the band and give back what
they are giving out.
	I'm going to rock my ass off.
	I challenge you all to keep up.

	Stay in Tune,
	Kevin in VT