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Lifehouse, Dance Music, Daltrey Speaks, Hendrix's Blues

> I think the earliest storyline is out of date.  It leaned toward the 
> Orwellian distopia, which has been pretty well done to death and 
> abandoned for years by the SF community.


It's never been done WELL, and I am such an optimist I'd imagine that PT
would do it right, finally. He should let me do a treatment; I guarantee it
would be the best movie of the year.

Besides, the subject of what will most probably be the biggest movie of the
year hasn't been "done to death?" I know George Lucas doesn't think so, but
he could be wrong about that!

> The subject of virtual 
> reality/internet addiction and it's possible misuse by the government, 
> though, is quite current.   


> Hmmm.  Dance music isn't rock?

Not that kind of Dance Music, which has its roots in Disco. That is not to
say you can't dance to Rock music.

> He looked least good 
> with Conan, but then, that's no surprise.

Right. Conan's no Dan Rather.

> I read somewhere recently that Roger doesn't think he does good 
> interviews.

I think he's right.

> There's lots of ground in between, too, where you pick up some of the 
> sound or some of the technique and apply it to something else.

I believe it's generally accepted that KWS, SRV, and JL are all Blues
artists. I'm not going to try to define Blues for you; it's something you
should be able to hear. Rock N Roll and later Rock came from Blues, so
there are similar aspects, but it is NOT the same thing.

> And Hendrix did Townshend.  Everybody has to build on something.

Granted, but how many Who songs did Hendrix do? These guys are doing
Hendrix songs.