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RE: apology to Paul

> I've sent an E to Paul asking what is happening.  No
> response.  If this is censorship/editing, it leaves a really bad taste in
> my
> mouth.  I love The who, and find this list to be like family.
> I hope I'm wrong about the editing.
> Stay in Tune,
> Kevin
	[O'Neal, Kevin W.]  Just want to send my deepest apologies to Paul.
In the heat of all the happenings over the last several days (pphheeewww), I
too began to think that maybe this list was being edited. You can't imagine
my relief to find that we do infact have a free voice here.  Paul,.....my
bad, I won't doubt you again.

	I posted a message last evening to you Sean on PT site under the
heading "bumps in the road".  It was the 5th or 6th post (well, as well as
the first).  I want to share with all my observation of irony that I
conveyed to Sean.
	The way I see it, you (Sean) played a direct roll (not all, but
some) in getting White Fang banned from the site.  How Ironic!!!!!  With
your false cries of "conspiracy" and igtc is "going to attack White Fang",
you drew a huge amount of attention to what White Fang was doing (I still
won't say WF is bad).  You actually had an entire topic devoted to "White
Fang Conspiracy".  All this did was to open a forum for anyone and everyone
who had a beef with WF to voice it.  THE VOICE WAS WAY, WAY, WAY, LOUD. I
guess you achieved your mission, 'cause you sure did stir things up.  Two
days later, WF is banned.  You have to recognize the roll you played in this
happening.  You tend to look at things very cynically.   I said it before,
and I want to just put in on record Sean,  that I didn't think WF was that
bad.  I saw allot of evidence of him being attacked, and then he would
retaliate in force. Not my stile, but hey.  Although the use of the c-word
probably wasn't necessary (but who knows, I didn't see what provoked it...if
it was provoked).  The PT site definitely saw WF as the lists 'wicked Uncle
Ernie'.  Didn't Uncle Ernie (although controversial) make TOMMY interesting?
Kind of like bumps in the road of life.  Do you see what I mean now Sean.
And yes, I'm saddened that Pete had to spend energy smoothing the road out.
He's got better things to do.....much better.   This is the last I'll say on
the subject.  E-me privately if you would like to discuss (or publicly, I
don't mind if others don't) 
	Looking forward to Lifehouse this Sunday!!
	Stay in tune,
	Kevin in Vt.