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Who's Philosophy?!?

   I guess we should all have our say on this cencorship issue. Some people
have argued that there is something wrong with our list because it is too
different from other lists. IMO if this list differs from others, that is to
our credit. Does the line, "...from babes into clones of the meen" mean
anything to anyone?? Aren't we supposed to avoid the cloning scenario and
attempt to form some type of individuality. As Who fans we have listened to
and identified with a writer who is constantly searching for individuality.
Having a list that encourages people to express their oppinions and beliefs
(even if they are not directly Who related) is in direct correlation with
that philosophy (e.i. be an individual). If we impose restrictions on what
people on the list can say, then we are in direct opposition to that
philosophy. If we do this then we deny our individuality.
    Being a part of this list can, and should be, more than just finding out
how many versions of WGFA exist and where to find them <although, anyone with
this information should share it :)> I would hope that all of us joined this
list because we share a common interest, but we do not have to limit
ourselves to that one interest.What keeps me on this list is that fact that I
can hear other opionions that I may not have thought of otherwise (even if
they are not Who related). I guess that there is a piont to be made about
this not being a true "Mailing List". Maybe "Forum" is a better desciptor,
but why do we need a lable? After recieving a few issues of this list it's
easy to see what we are, and if you don't like it leave. Or, as others have
said, try to change it. By this I don't mean berating other members with
e-mail if they don't follow your rules, or your idea of what a mailing list
should be. If members want more Who related discussion then they should
simply start some. Speaking of starting discussion, I've heard very little
about the distrubution of the Pete tapes from the recent mini tour, I've
heard little about the tape of list members who want to do covers and those
who want to submit original songs that were inspired by The Who, and I saw no
responses to my request for oppinions of Tommy vs. Quad films. This is just
to let some people know that there have been who related discussions going on
recently but I didn't see any of the Tipper Gore advocates getting involved
in them. 

         "Man makes machines to man the machines that make the machines that
make the machines..."PT
