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***Superbowl Gathering Info & Details***

Hey all,
Well a ton of stuff has happened in preparation for this Sunday. Nothing but
good news....
We have received donations from four aftermarket performance shops. 1552
Design, New Dimensions, AWE and Mike Potter from Parts4VWs.com. Their
donations will be raffled upon with all proceeds going to the Juvenile
Diabetes Research Foundation.
We also had someone volunteer to take photographs all day of the activities
to submit to PVW.
All donations can be made either through cash or check.
There will be a representative from the foundation present at the event.
News Channel 12 will be phoned 24 hours before the event and invited to
cover the activities....they do not commit to a story any more than 24 hours

Be sure to bring warm clothes because the parking field is very large and
Bring food for yourselves!!!!!
Anyone wishing to drift their car through the ice and snow may do so as long
as you are aware that the club does not condone this activity at this event.
(trying to keep straight face on that one.....but sorry, had to say it)
The event will begin at 10am and end at 3pm. It will be held at Jones Beach
State Park in parking Field #4. (same field as last year)
Bring a football!
Bring a camera / videocamera.
Depending on how many people hang around after the event will depend on
whether or not we hit the largest sports bar on LI to watch the

Last year I posted directions and people still had questions on how to get
to the event. My strong recommendation is to go to Yahoo Maps and enter
Jones Beach State Park, Wantagh, New York, 11793 as their destination
address and follow directions from there printout. There is no way internet
directions will be wrong to this event since there are only 3 highways that
lead to the park and they all converge at the same spot, which is the park

We have people who have committed to attending from Mass., RI, PA, NJ, CT
and upstate NY. Any projection on the number of attendees would be a pure
guesstimation, but I expect a solid crowd which could be a huge crowd
depending on the weather.

Convoys have been assembling on the lists which is great to see, so anyone
who wishes to attend the event should post their interest in joining a
caravan on the mailing lists.....VWDrivers, H2O list or the VW Vortex
Forums. The forums have been active with this topic and is a great resource
for finding fellow dubbers from your area to cruise down with.

Any further questions should be directed to me at FlyinVR6@optonline.net
Thank you for all your help and assistance....all of you will be making a
lot of people very happy just by attending this event on Sunday.
Take care,
AIM: SwiftVR6
ICQ: 8994103
LI Rep ClubH2O