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Still overheating

Well, I checked out what you guys wrote and so far nothing. My fans 
definitely still work, the coolant is the same color it was when I got the 
car (no sediment or oil mixed in). I bought a Prestone antifreeze tester and 
all I got from it is that the antifreeze will not freeze until the 
temperature goes below -48 degrees. The instructions said to submerge the 
needle in antifreeze and it would float to the point at which it would 
freeze. I'm not sure how relevant that is to my situation. Is there a better 
way to tell if my coolant needs to be replaced? 

>TRedGLX wrote:
>Heavier oil (15w-50, 20w-50, etc.) will raise the coolant temp in addition 
>the increased oil temp, heavier oil tends to hold heat longer than lighter 

The oil I put in my car is Mobile 1, 5w-30 or somertimes 10w-30. 

I was wondering if I should go ahead and replace the thermostat. I checked 
the dealer and they want $50+ for the thermostat plus the o-ring. I think 
it's a bit expensive. I've heard of different temperature thermostats, but 
I'm not sure how and when they would come in handy. Can anyone shed some 
light? Anyway if anyone has anymore info on this overheating thing I would 
like to hear from you. Thanks.

97 Jetta GLX - Black

>Previous Post:
>Date: Wed, 6 Sep 2000 21:00:04 EDT
>From: VWNobby@aol.com
>Subject: Overheating problem

>I own a 97 Jetta GLX with 56,000 miles on it. About 3 months ago or so I
>noticed that the temperature gauge (coolant temp.) started to go past the
>center marker. At first it would only go a few degrees past the center mark.
>But lately it actually reaches up to 230 which is 3/4 of the way through.
>Usually I open the vents and have the heater on full blast to cool it down to
>the center point. But obviously that's a temporary fix. Today I noticed that
>the gauge reached about 220 then dropped to the center and then eventually
>went past 225, all within a 30 minute drive. Even at highway speed I have
>this problem. I have checked the coolant level and it is fine. Both the fans
>are constantly working, so I am pretty sure that isn't the problem. I
>installed a G-Chip about 3 months ago and I am wondering if that may be part
>of the problem (I would think that since there is more power coming from the
>engine it would tend to run hotter). Other possibilities that crossed my mind
>were the thermostat or the coolant pump, but how can I pin point the trouble
>spot. If anyone has run into a similar problem, please let me know. Any help
>would be greatly appreciated, I'm sure this problem can only be detrimental
>to the life of my car. Thanks in advance.

>Norberto Luis
>97 Jetta GLX