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I'm with Khan

That's right, I agree 200% with Khan. And oh, by the way, I've received five 
tickets in my life and I've paid every one, even when I found out from 
friends that I could get out of them, avoid paying, and avoid insurance 
hikes. You know why? Because I broke the law. And three out of five times 
the police reduced the ticket on the spot because I admitted fault and 
didn't fight their enforcement of the law.

And another 'by the way': This country was built on, and continues to run 
loosely on LAWS, NOT loopholes. The laws that were founded were based 
heavily on Judeo-Christian laws and principles, and have allowed us much 
freedom that we have neither deserved nor used properly. Those loopholes are 
what undermine the effectiveness of law because they destroy the INTEGRITY 
of the fundamental beliefs the laws were built on in the first place. No 
building stands without a foundation. Judeo-Christian laws WERE the 
foundation, and loopholes that allow rapists to roam free are what turn the 
foundation to SWISS FLIPPIN' CHEESE. Obey the law, accept responsibility for 
your actions (another fundamental failure of our narcisistic, vain, 
materialistic culture - no one will accept the consequences anymore), and 
pay the damned ticket you greedy kid!

DJ -
A Christian man, and a United States Naval Officer - who, by the way, 
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