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Re: Quick, easy, and cheap way to kill DRL's...

Everyone out there with the newer model Passat and Jetta, here's the EASIEST 
way to kill the DRL's.  I'm assuming that the Passat has the same headlight 
switch as the Jetta.  Here's what I did:

Push your headlight switch in and turn to the right.  Then, you can pull it 
out.  Once you have it out, unplug the wire harness and look at all the male 
electrical plugs you see.  Find the one marked TFL and put a small piece of 
tape of something over it so that once you replug the wire harness, it won't 
make contact.  Push the headlight switch back in and bamn... DEAD DRL's!!!  
Takes 1 minute to do

2000 Jetta VR6