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anyone ever have fun in their VW?

Hey all.  I took down my website for reconstruction.  Why?  Because I've
decided that my car isn't a "project", it's not even really soon to be in
the making of a project.  Yes, I will restore it and make it run great, but
I'm going to have fun in my car more than anything.  My new site will post
pictures of me and/or my friends going places, having fun in and out of my
car.  Nonetheless, my car is still part of this process.

Now, I know lots of you have had some great times in your cars, also.  Want
to post some pictures?  Or do you have a story?  Let me know.  I'll post it.

Check out my website for further information.



TJ Lowe
'87 Jetta GL
the "really officer... my speedometer honestly doesn't work" edition

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