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*** Chip Upgrade for 264s ***

Hey all--
    I just got my new Kent 264 Cams, HD TT Valve springs and clutch and 
lightened flywheel installed.  I am running a Garrett V.09 Chip in my 95 GLX. 
 It seems like it doesn't have as much power as it should.  It pulls strong 
up to redline, and sometimes bogs around 6700.
    Anyway, does Garrett make a chip to suit the Kent 264 Cams?  I also have 
an intake, corrado catalytic converter and removed air restrictor ramp in the 
throttle body.  I've heard really good things about the V. 10 Garrett.   If I 
send the chip to him, what is that average on how long it takes to get it 
    Does anyone else have these Kent 264 cams? If so, what chip are you 
running with them?  I've also heard the AMS chip is supposed to be geared 
very well towards these cams.

Any help would be appreciated...