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Re: [gti-vr6] Bosch Wipers

>I'm curious if anyone's had to change the size of their wipers to 
>accommodate a better aftermarket blade like Bosch's. The reason I 
>ask is because I went into my favorite car shop today wanting to 
>buy 21-inch Micro Edge Excel blades for my New Beetle 1.8T. I 
>was surprised when the salesperson told me they come in 20-inch 
>and 22-inch, but not 21. Is the salesperson correct?

AFAIk, the Micro Edge Excels do come in 21". They are a little longer than
the stock 21" tho, so if you have very little room left on the glass, try
before you buy.


Veni Vidi Visa: I came, I saw, I did a little shopping.

E-mail: eliew@bigfoot.com		ICQ: 3232689 