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RADAR JAMMERS RE: A story - Radar Detectors & Bear Trackers

What's about Radar/Laser Jammers?  Anyone know anything about these devices.
Do they really work and how???


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-jettaglx@igtc.com [mailto:owner-jettaglx@igtc.com]On Behalf
Of Holland J. Phillips
Sent: Saturday, February 13, 1999 6:39 AM
To: Kenny H; Jetta GLX List; THE GTI LIST
Subject: A story - Radar Detectors & Bear Trackers

>My radar emits a sound, called a doppler tone,
>which changes in pitch depending on the speed of the vehicle.

Hmm, I once fought a radar ticket on the grounds that they were "shooting"
across a turn in a 4 lane highway, and couldn't tell if they nailed me
coming, or someone else going.  That's when the Judge asked if they had the
Doppler turned on.  The officers said "yes", and then the Judge explained
that the Doppler was an audible tone that, when the radar unit was locked on
to vehicle, would rise in frequency it the vehicle was approaching the
radar, and drop in frequency if it was moving away.  Being an engineer, I
was already familiar with the Doppler effect, so I knew I was hosed.  I just
never thought about using the frequency of the tone to estimate speed.  Are
you a musician?:-)

>The question I have, is all this gadgetry full of flashing lights
>and beeps and static and police signals and ten codes really worth going
>a little faster when you will still get tickets?

The last speeding ticket I got was in a rental car while hauling ass to see
my Mother who was/is in the hospital in severe respiratory distress, and was
possibly not going to make it.  I had a Valentine One radar detector, and a
Bear Tracker BCT-12, both fired up and fully operational.  I was traveling
south bound on US 101 north of Santa Barbara, a piece of highway that the
CHP uses Ka band moving radar on.  All the ECM gear had been quiet as a
mouse for a while.  Next thing I know, here comes a mess of flashing lights
way back in the mirror.  Naturally, it was the CHP, and, of course, he was
after me.  After signing the party invitation, I asked him how in the
Dickens he nailed me, since I had all this high tech ECM gear.  His reply
was "I"m very good".  It turns out that he saw me tailgating a car that I
was trying to work my way around while he was traveling north on the other
side of the highway, and just had a "feeling" that I would be a speeder.
For some unknown reason, he only wrote me for 70 in a 65, but told me that
when he first stopped me, he was contemplating writing a book - following
too close, illegal lane change, 85+ in a 65, but for some reason changed his
mind.  When I told him where I was going, and why, he actually tried to
console me, and told me that my Mother would be OK, once I got there, and
was with her.

End of story...

Woodland Hills, California