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Re: [gti-vr6] Grow up! RE:

Wally Green wrote:
> > Fred, chill out. Why are spending so much time gathering bits
> > from every post
> > I've sent in the last two weeks?. You're a weirdo man.
> >  And I could care less if I offend you with my profanity.  Don't
> > be such a
> > baby. SHannon
> >
> Shannon,
> First: You have a girl's name.
> Second: You are an immature child. Fred was being a gentleman, and trying to
> tell you that he reads the list(s) with his children. He does not want them
> reading the filth you post. It's a reasonable request.

Wow- did I miss something?

Reads the list with his children?

Does he watch pornos with his children too?
He doesn't?  Why not?  Possibly because he doesn't think that's appropriate?
Jesus Christ- if the posts are so offensive, and your kids HAVE to read them, do a little parental censorship.

If you think *I'm* censoring myself because some kid might read it, you're sadly mistaken.

And can someone forward me the "filth" he posted- I seem to have missed it.

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