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RE: Jetta 4 web sighting

	I just have one question,  did some PAY YOU to say this? !!!!  look here 
mister mating cars, the audi A3 is (and there's no doubt about it) a nice 
car, but nice is the kind of word I use to talk about flowers of the sky, 
 on the other hand, the jetta A4 is FUCKING AMAZING!!!! :)  Douh !!! sorry 
for the amazing part, but I'm mean if you want to, you can say  the jetta 
is a blend 40% cotton 60% polyester underwear but for the rest of us ( 95%) 
it's the jump the jetta needed to give 100% silk underwear. Any other thing 
would have been below any expectations we've might had.

DNCR Motto: "I can only please one person per day.  Today is not your day.
 Tomorrow isn't looking good either."

"Las opiniones expresadas en este mail son personales y no
necesariamente las de AKRA"

-----Mensaje original-----
De:	MAOberer@aol.com [SMTP:MAOberer@aol.com]
Enviado el:	Jueves 12 de Noviembre de 1998 12:27 AM
Para:	jettaglx@igtc.com
Asunto:	Re: Jetta 4 web sighting

It looks like a Dodge Stratus mated with a new passat and ended up with 98
prelude lights.  Hmmm, I think I like the A3 better.

just my two beans,