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Re: Check engine light

- -=-=-=-
ahhh..your doing pretty good....i would love to trade bills with you!!! 
Try $675 for a 1 bedroom, 299 for insurance on two cars,another 400 for 
this stupid car(its only stupid when i am writing out a check)....trying 
to put a wife thru u.s.c., having to deal with 'i need my hair done', 'i 
need my nail done',and so on........
wanna trade?? wife included!!  
- -=-=-=-
   My fiance suits me just fine, thanks for offering.
   My low insurance bill ($165/mo) comes from:
a) having my fiance as the primary
b) having only liability on car #1 ('84 JettaGLi)
c) being over 21
d) being a studious part-time student
   Other facters will fall into place as we both age.
   If you REALLY want to lower your insurance, paint your tornado, 
"arrest-me-red" car
a drab grey or white, turn 21 (don't ask me why insurance goes down right 
as one becomes
old enough to legally drink and then legally drive), turn 25, and claim 
that your M3
wannabe is really a family sedan.
   Either that or line your agent's pockets a tad. That's illegal, of 
course, and I,
of course, would never, of course, condone breaking the law ... of course!