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Re: Intermitten wiper relay.

At 09:51 PM 3/10/98 -0500, you wrote:
>The question is, what relay to get?  Is the programmable relay the same cost
>for the dealer (or VW) as the non-programmable?  Also, was the problem
>with intermittent wiper problems?  Did replacing the relay solve the problem?
>'98 GLX with intermittent Intermittent problem (catch my drift?)
No Chuck it didn't. The car turned out to be a nightmare. My District
Service Rep was at my dealership yesterday when the problem was still
happening. He told me to replace the fuse panel. He was at another dealer
when they had a car with the same problem. He diagnosed it as the fuse
panel. Changed the box and the problem went away. I wasn't so lucky. I
changed the box "What a pain" only to have the wipers come back on when we
were delivering it back to the customer. I had a lot lizard drive the car
until the wipers came back on. I lifted the rain panel and smacked the
wiper motor with  a wrench and they stopped. I ordered a motor only to find
out it was on backorder. I decided to take a motor out of a stock car.
Made the swap and had the car test driven the rest of the day. So far no

If the problem is happenin gto you try the same. Smack the wiper motor when
the problem is present.
