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Re: SoCal riceboys

Sorry for the confusion - I should have said "quick shifted" instead of 
"power shifted".... though I don't know how quick I am with my stock
long-throw non-mod.
As several listers have stated power shifting is shifting while
maintaining throttle.  I've tried this once before and it's NOT
recommended!!!!   Felt like the chassis could snap in two and I felt very
guilty afterwards :).
Of note:  One of the major car mags (don't remember which) employs power
shifting during 0-60 runs and as a result have faster times than the
other mags.

Nice writing.  Your vivid description of the night's event makes me want
go take a spin in my '97 Windsor Blue GLX...

Question, at 5,800 rpms, what's a power shift?

I believe power shifting is simply shifting without letting off of the
throttle.  It helps acceleration because the engine is immediately in its
power band when you engage the next gear.  It's also great for spinning

Michael Keith
Pasadena, TX
'98 Jetta GLX
'85 Golf ITB/DSP

Robert A Parsons wrote:

> 2 stooopid slammed, stickerladen, coffee-can draggin Integras wanted to
> play with my vr6 this weekend.  I was near UCSanDiego at 11pm and a 1/4
> mile ahead of me the sides of the road were lit up with bouncin' blue
> light.    As a concerned citizen I went to investigate and, sure
> the above-mentioned perpetrators were cruzin at 35 in a 45 zone with
> 10ft separating their cars.  Well, as you might imagine, I just
> in good conscious let these fellows off the hook.  I crept up next to
> them, saw two heads barely clearing the door sills, and then rocketed
> into the night.  I slowed down and in my rearview watched them break
> formation and start the hunt.  I let them catch up (otherwise this
> be no fun :) and at the next light one was to my right reving away his
> lawnmower and the other was on my ass - rendering my normally
> interior a cheap blue.  200' ahead of us on the left was a 101s onramp
> that all of us were taking and when the light turned green I eased off
> the line and watched as the guy next to me sped away and then jerked
> into my lane (I fully expected him to lose control but as it was he
> slid to the left a little as he tried to right himself).  When we
> the onramp riceboy#1 was about 3 car-lengths
> ahead with riceboy#2 still dousing neon.   The onramp is a sharp ~120
> left that is much smoother from the other direction and it's a 3 lane
> uphill grade for 1/4mile before the freeway - I was in 2nd at 4000,
> to punch it as soon as I had traction, and I sweeped thru the turn with
> the left tires going over a rounded 1" curb like the nascar dudes
> skipping over road course curbs.  I nailed the throttle, hit the mute
> button on my stereo, listened to much better music and reeled in
> riceboy#1 as #2 became a non-factor.  Powershift at 5800 and pulled
> from #1at a rewarding constant rate.  Merging into traffic I coasted
> from 90 to non-ticket freeway speeds and watched  #1come from at least
> lengths back to right on my butt.  That's how we were for 2 miles -
> losers  these SoCal riceboys!
>         *****I felt DAMN good about my 4 doors and trunk!!!*****
> Rob in San Diego
> 97 Vento VR6
> Garrett 08, K&N panel w/ modded box
> Dunlop SP 4000
> Eclipse 5341 /  BOSE

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