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Re: SoCal riceboys

Actually, the way I understand power shifting is when you let the RPM's get high
enough so you don't need to use the clutch, you just 'power shift'.  I used to
do this in my junkie Pontiac 4 banger, but haven't dared trying it in my VR6.
Truck drivers do it to save on the clutch.

'92 slc

Khan M. Klatt wrote:

> At 12:16 PM -0700 7/27/98, Christopher Cooley wrote:
> >Rob,
> >Nice writing.  Your vivid description of the night's event makes me want to
> >go take a spin in my '97 Windsor Blue GLX...
> >
> >Question, at 5,800 rpms, what's a power shift?
> If I understand correctly, he shifted from 5,800 RPM in third gear to fifth
> gear, probably hitting the tach at around 2,800 RPM (just a guess). He
> could have hit fourth, at probably around 3,200 RPM at that stage, but he's
> basically saying "I didn't need fourth gear to smoke these losers".
> :)
> -Khan