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Re: Air-screen removal

>How do you remove the airscreen? I was on my way to take it out and saw that
>it was not being held in by screws.  What kind of tool would work on this.
>Thanks for your help.

If you really can't find those two little screws hiding on either side of 
screen's housing (a plastic rim about the bottom of this dome-like 
screen, to
which the screen is affixed), on the bottom half of the airbox, then why 
simply take a pair of wire clippers or scissors and cut the mesh from the
aforementioned base/housing? My brother did that when he couldn't budge 
two screws in his '92 C SLC.

          /=-                -=\----/=-                -=\
         /|     -=Thomas J. Boyer<cyng@lamere.net>=-     |\
         \|      -=Tsaim Kurros<pen.mip.net 4000>=-      |/
          \=-                 -=woot=-                 -=/
.     .     .  q u e   h a y   s i n   m i   a m o r ? .     .     .