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'98 Bose CD Changer installation report

I finally got the CD Changer working in my '98 GLX... here's a quick
report on what was necessary.

I got the changer from QVC.  It's part number CX-DP601, for $239 or
so.  It's listed at http://www.qvc.com/scripts/detail.dll?Product&E46374 

I got the adapter from a local auto stereo dealer.  You need PIE
(http://www.pie.net/) part number VW97-PAN.  I payed $50, but you
could probably do better than that.  It took forever to get it because
they ordered the wrong one the first time (VW-PAN is NOT what you want
if you have the cable in the trunk), and some other screwups.

You could probably build your own adapter from the long cable that comes
with the changer; I'd bet that the pinouts are the same as the short
adapter, but I havn't checked.

I mounted the changer horizontally on the left side of the trunk, on
the little "shelf" that is there, behind the tail light.  It keeps it
nicely out of the way.  I drove on the Bot's Dots at various speeds,
and went over a couple railroad tracks, and it didn't skip once.

The changer needs +12VDC, which is aparently not available on the
pre-wired cable.  I got it from the amplifier; the think red wire
is 12VDC constant.  I wonder how they do this with the factory

It sounds great, much better than a good radio station.  There was
a little bit of engine noise in silent sections at high volume, but
grounding the changer as the instructions indicate would probably
solve that.

However, if I was doing it over again, I'd replace the head unit and
get a compatable changer.  The stock head unit isn't that great.  I
payed around $300 for the changer and cable, and I could get a good
head unit and changer for a little over $400.

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