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Re: VW service (everybody chill out)

S. Joseph Mann wrote:
> Everybody put down you're guns!!  Let's not make this into a fire fight.
> Our opinions are colored by our experiences. And like most people in society
> (and I think this is a fare stereo type) we tend to focus on the bad ones.
> Don's negative experiences come from seemingly irate and inconsiderate
> customers.  And our (the customers) negative experiences come from seemingly
> inexperienced and/or incompetent and/or dishonest service techs and advisors.
> But, this in no way accounts for everyone.  Especially those on the list.  So
> before we lay into each other, lets try to see things from the opposite side of
> the track.
> And lets watch those stereotypes. On both sides.  They online piss people off.
> Keep in mind that we come here, for the most part, to solve problems.  And
> often these problems involve our dealer's service department.  i.e. we're going
> to hear more bad than good on this topic.  So Don, please remember that, and
> guys lets keep in mind Don's the only VW Master Service tech on this group.
> That I know of.
> Ok, now you can all tell me to shut up.
> :-)
> Joe


That was well said and if not very diplomatic of you.  I agree with you Joe.
Even though I did not respond to Don's E-Mail I myself have had numerous experiences
with VW dealerships that I care not to embelish on to this list. And Don I'm not being
critical of you I understand why you wrote that.  I myself was once a service manager of 
a diesel service repair/parts distribution company and I also have had interesting 
episodes with customers that would make your head spin.  Especially from owners of 
Mercedes who would come in and exclaim why they could not understand why their diesel 
automobile just stopped working and in the same breath say that they had always changed 
their oil at least once a year!

Enough said, so lets get on to something else!!
