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Netiquette 101...

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I almost miss Thom.  
Thank you

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Date: Mon, 08 Sep 1997 00:39:08 -0400
To: jettaglx@igtc.COM
From: TFP <tfp@tsil.net>
Subject: Re: Netiquette 101...
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Tom, I tried to respond to you PERSONALLY, but your email addy doesn't
work. Only as a last resort have I posted this to you in this manner.
Accept my apology if required, but the information is important... I
believe so anyway.

- -------------------------------------------------------
At 09:00 PM 9/7/97 -0700, you wrote:
>All right, this has gone far enough.  I don't think most of us care if we
>occasionally discuss autos other than VWs.  Thom, you need to lighten up.
>I think you're about to have a coronary.  Shall we call it quits on this
>worthless banter?
- --------------------------------------------------------

I see you have READ what I've written. I wonder if you understand it. I
know this because you have "borrowed" my term --- worthless banter.

I was going to end this, but when the childish Ms. Smith finds it necessary
to comment about my male anatomy in the forum, I find it so unpallatable
that I believe myself to better off WITHOUT this service. That is unless,
you can associate the importance of my organ to owning a GLX.

I believe Ms. Smith to be so witless that she has been compelled to be
vile, crude and offensive. I wonder if her Email name (FUNCENTRAL) reveals
anything about her character.

I see more posts against USING UPPER CASE POSTINGS than ones concerning the
poor taste, bashing and foul language tendered by these self-appointed
"protocol police." In fact, there has been NOT ONE SINGLE post about their

Think Tom! What is this? Am I sitting here having fun squirting lighter
fluid on the fire? Methinks, you are under the impression that I am of such
mind. I am, at this point, only pointing out the continued and progressive
stupidity of this entire dilemma. If the users of this forum think it more
appropriate to talk of penis size than the use of upper/lower case, then it
is comprised of insignificant, moronic people with whom I do not wish to

May I ask why YOU got involved and found it necessary to made your comments
to me? Did you send Ms. Smith and Vaso Bovan your opinion on their antics?
I would be most interested in knowing so, and more importantly, if you
didn't - why not? And more thought on your part would have prompted you to
send you comments directly to me. You instead BRING IT UP again to the
whole forum. Why? You've done EXACTLY what you've asked me not to do.

I ask you to sincerely rethink about what happened, why you chose to become
involved and how you indeed did participate. Emotion would have you slash
out and send more flames to the net and me over this. More thought and
insight might have you reconsider.

The point is moot. Protocol, right or wrong, is up to the author. The
reader can agree or disagree and react accordingly WITHOUT exercising their
self-appointed jurisdiction over the free speech rights of the supposed
offender. (Do these police cite for word mispellings and critique
punctuation too?) Vulgarity and perversion, however, HAVE NO PLACE in this
mail list.

I will let this end or escalate it to defend my position. Further bashing,
I will not tolerate especially when it comes out of anger and not thought.
Does this makes sense to you? I truly hope so and it is my wish that you
are one of the sensible ones out there.


===                                                              ===
===       Thomas F. Peluso           Electronics Development     ===
===       Eaton Corporation          Technical & Quality Center  ===
===       170 Industry Drive         (412) 787-6500 - Ext. 6930  ===
===       Pittsburgh, PA 15275       (412) 787-6593 (fax)        ===
===                                                              ===
===       E-Mail address:            tfp@tsil.net                ===
===       Packet Radio address:      KF3V@W2XO.PA.USA.NOAM       ===
===                                                              ===
===       E-Mail for schedule of FCC Exam sessions for both      ===
===         FCC Commericial and Amateur Radio Licensing.         ===
===                                                              ===
===   PLEASE visit my WEBPAGE and be sure to sign the guestbook  ===
===           HOMEPAGE ADDRESS = http://www.tsil.net/~tfp        ===
===                                                              ===

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