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Re: opinions

At 7:24 PM -0400 6/18/97, David Rizzolo wrote:
>How is this for a bummer. My new GLX ( under 3000 mi) is now coated with
>white and blue overspray. I work next to a marina and suspect that it was
>some idiot using an atomizer to paint his boat.


>I brought the car to the best place around for body work and they gave it a
>shot (used some type of clay to cut it). No luck.
>The boat yard claims they do not spray paint paint or even allow spray
>painting by boat owners in the yard and know of no one who broke this rule.
>I have no proof of who is directly responsible for this but I have been
>advised to try and go after the boatyard to have the entire car replaced.
>It happened on their property so I am wondering if there really is some way
>to put the responsibility on them.

Don't try to put the responsibility anywhere. Find out legally who is
responsible. Perhaps your insurance company covers it. Did you consider
that option? Otherwise, you might look into who has liability of the
property on which you parked your car.

>I have already confronted them once but tomorrow I am going in screaming
>and yelling. Any advice from those in the group?

Screaming and yelling does nothing but demonstrate that you are a prick to
everyone who sees the incident. Talk to a lawyer and find out if you have
any legal rights, or better yet, if the insurance company, landowner,
marina, even your workplace, has any liability.

Then go in calmly and explain the situation to the liable party, calmly and
rationally, resolute to get what you want: Your car repainted or replaced.
Whether you have a case, or not, if you approach them from the standpoint
of "Hi, my car got screwed up, and I'm looking for a resolution to this
problem." If they say "Sorry, pal, but you're out of luck." Just have your
lawyer send them a letter informing them of their options: Pay up, or show
up at court.

In which case, you're better off asking the list a referral for a good lawyer.

Regardless, I wouldn't use the word "suspect" with anyone but your lawyer.
State the facts. You went into the office. When you came out, there was a
bunch of little white paint dots on your car.

Good luck.

- -Khan

Khan Klatt					   khan@pacificrim.net
Applications Director,				    (360) 650-0442 x13
Pacific Rim Network, Inc.		     http://www.pacificrim.net

       A member of the VERIO group of Internet Service Providers