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All Paul needs is what the rest of this team needs:  a strong, confident,
competent coach that he can respect.
He's never had one.  Not egocentric Patino, not anal-retentive O'Brien,
certainly not clueless Carroll.

What separates the sheep from the goats in management (coaching) is
security--personal psychological security.  Would you follow any of these 3
basket cases (Larry, Curly, and Moe) into battle?  Actually O'Brien was
probably the best of this miserable lot. But Jimmy-One-Note's coping
mechanism was an obsessive rigidity that only works in  a closed system over
which one has full control.  That's not the NBA.  When he couldn't/wouldn't
adapt, he was gone.

One can understand why Ainge would be reluctant to bring in a replacement
for Carroll at this stage.  So we'll just have to cringe while we wait for
man-to-man defense, Mihm playing the most big-man minutes, Hunter dominating
under the boards, and McCarthy warming the end of the bench.  Let's just
hope running out the string this way doesn't do irreparable damage.
