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Re: [Celtics' Stuff ] Don't get the detractors

At 06:45 PM 2/22/2004, Douglas342@xxxxxxx wrote:
In a message dated 2/22/2004 3:33:46 PM Pacific Standard Time,
kimmalo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:
But it's rudderless on the court, at least in part because Danny has
removed what leadership we had and traded looking exclusively to talent.

Doug replied:
But I think leadership can develop over time, while talent can't. EWill was
excess baggage, sloughed off to Denver. When he came back, his talent had
gone up a notch, his leadership by several notches. I don't know who might
emerge as a leader on this team. Davis is a candidate, for sure. Maybe Banks. I
knew from day one it wouldn't be Pierce - he had taken a back seat to Walker
quite happily in that department. Also, he went out and bought books on
leadership. Uh, Paul, I don't think it's something you find in books - you find it
in your heart and soul. So it may be rudderless now, but who knows about next

I actually think they both are a combination - and you yourself say that leadership is in your heart and soul, so clearly you don't really think it's all learned. You've got to have the basics and the develop them. Look at someone like Baby Jordan and all the other next X to see that you need more than talent. Or all the most improved players. Or the basic problem with so much of the league being immature but athletic. It most certainly develops and matures over time. And I think you've got to have some of the personality basics for leadership to develop. You're right about EWill having to develop into one (although, come on, given the other natural leaders Pitino dumped - Fox and Wesley - I wouldn't make too much of that sloughed off thing as evidence against), although I think the germ of some of the things that eventually earned other guys respect might have shown before that, starting with the true toughness (not just the more common attitude and ego) he learned growing up. Still the bad injury and playing in the wasteland Denver was then definitely galvanized hims maturing, which had to be a factor in his turning into a leader - you're certainly right that he didn't start as one.

I have to admit that I like Ricky, but I don't get what this Ricky as leader thing Ryan started is about and I certainly don't see any reason that he's certainly a candidate. Dominant player, sure. But that's something else entirely. And Pierce offers a good example that you've got to have some of what it takes to start with, since I agree that he's not one, but believe that he's trying to be. As to next year - that gets into the rest of what I was saying about my concern with Danny, who has a large role in what happens. Sure we might suddenly find a team leader next year. And I might suddenly win the lottery. I'm not a big fan of leaving things to chance that don't have to be.
