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Re: Dr. Jack disses Cs potential and PP

The Knicks traded a max contract guy in the last year of his contract and another guy in the last year of his contract + picks for a 2 max contract guys. What could the Celts have gotten by packaging Walker, Williams and Mills + a pick? That would be 2 expiring deals (with one paid by insurance) and a guy heading into the last year of a max contract....

No one will want Baker or LaFrentz. That leaves us the ability to trade Pierce as our key way of bringing in a superstar?

Dan Forant wrote:

Of course Bernie Schaeffer who's a Contrarians would consider the Celts a
timely buy because of all the heavily weighted negative piling on by the
analysts and press. Remember the Knicks turned it around and with a few
simple moves and we will also.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Kestutis Kveraga"

--- You wrote:
And here I thought
the "dreary State's Press" was considered the Celt's private PR firm...
squatting like toads at the ear of the fans.
--- end of quote ---

It turned out they are mostly Obie's toadies. And of course, P-May is


an Internet shrine to Eric Williams, one of the 50 greatest players in the
Providence College history. But it's all good - I'm happy Obie's PR firm


opinions that differ from the company line, even if they're wrong. I


think they were capable of such emancipation.