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Re: crunch n munch

What show is he on?

Paradise Hotel I think it was called, on Fox.

What is this crunch n munch guy?

OK, it's heard to describe the spectacle accurately...He did Crunch N' Munch (like cracker jack if you didn't know) concessions at the Fleet when they had them*. I believe he started when the Fleet opened (96' the 15 win season) maybe the year after. He had a whole shtick where he would scream "Cruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunch AND Muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunch...CRUNCH AND MUNCH!!! As he ran down the aisles....Then he would fake throw the box of crunch and munch...run away...breakdance....come back....pass it through his legs, throw it behind his back to the person, etc....

In the first couple Fleet years it was often "very quiet" during some games and you could hear him screaming it (he would also wait for timeouts when it was really, really quiet). He also would run up to someone and hold a box in front of their face until they gave in (usually it would be a dad with kids, or a boyfriend with his girlfriend next to him, and often the crowd would egg on the person until they relented). People started tipping quite a bit, requesting things "do the robot!!!"
(he would comply, looking like Will Farrell's cheerleader character on SNL), and finally people started asking him to sign the boxes of crunch and munch, and a few would even keep them without opening them.

He would often throw the box 30-50ft to the person requesting one (from the front of the section to the middle, etc...occasionally nailing them or someone nearby in the head). Later he started throwing the change back (I never witnessed this, but it comes into play later in this tale and relayed to me by a Fleet center employee I know).

Most people thought he was absolutely comical. And although some of the above seems pushy and abusive, it never came across as that bad (and I'm not saying that in a justification kind of way, just that my description lacks a lot).

At some point he started doing Fenway events as well...Supposedly, he hit a kid in the eye when he threw back some change...and was suspended. He came back later and was let go a while after that.

I think he was tolerated early on at the Fleet as a distraction/entertainment as both the Celtics and Bruins pretty much... were well below mediocre. And anything to distract from the court was welcome.

Gotta run but that's the nutshell....other regulars can add/subtract to the legend of Crunch n' Munch guy if they feel like it.
