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RE: The CBW predictions list for 2003-04 updated oct 30

>Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2003 15:15:52 -0500
>From: "Shawn Niles" <shizzjr@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>Subject: RE: The CBW predictions list for 2003-04 updated oct 30
>You know, just a friendly suggestion.....    There are 2 major newspapers in 
>boston. One is called the Herald and the other the Globe. There are also 
>many smaller newspapers from surrounding cities (Providence, Lawrence). 
>Typically, they provide game stories and other tidbits after each game. Most 
>people have access to these papers either by buying one or by reading it on 
>the web. So by all means, take a break from your reviews and just let us 
>read the ones from the newspapers. I'm sure we'll all still get all 
>pertinent information, and then you can get some sleep. It's good for 
>everyone all around.


Snoopy's game reviews are excellent, and give loads of information that is unavailable anywhere else.  I watch all the games, yet I still read his reviews carefully because of the many things he catches that I miss.  I'm sure they are even more valuable to those who can't watch the games.

His reviews are well-written and well-edited, and clearly take a lot of energy and time to create.  I can't believe the list is once again lucky enough to have someone who is willing to do this for us.  Why would anyone want to jump on him for doing it, or for any of the other services (collecting and displaying win-loss predictions; maintaining a Celtics-related web site) he cheerfully provides?

As several others have already pointed out, if Snoopy (or anyone else) rubs you the wrong way, *filter* him.  That ends your problem.  And our problem, too: we don't have to worry that one of most valuable members of the list will get burned out and walk away.


Eric Albert