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That time of year again

Now that Daylight Savings Time is upon us here in the East, the big 
question is will the Celtics spring ahead or fall back? 

I am optimistic that we will ultimately be a more balanced and exciting
team due to the absence of Toine... that through some sort of natural 
order, other players will now automatically step up.  RUN, RUN, RUN!  
If we don't, it could mean the lotto.

When you think about it, surprisingly, our hopes presently lie more 
with the old guys than with the new guys.  We are counting on vast 
improvement and big time contributions from Baker, Brown, Blount, 
and Williams... lesser contributions from LaFrentz, James, Banks, 
Welsch, Perkins, Hunter, and of course, Mills.  Will the new additions 
eventually translate to a brighter future for us... don't know.

Below is last season's rotation listed in order of MPG.  If we were 
to now trade Williams and Battie, it would mean we would have ridded
ourselves of all but Pierce and McCarty from our top-seven rotation.  
Hoping that Danny, for stability sake, will not make any further moves 
till we see how our present squad jells.  Am also looking forward 
to the return of Jumaine Jones as he appears, along with LaFrentz,
to be the BT's biggest hope among the new guys.

After lots of soul-searching and tarot card reading, I will today submit 
a 42-40 W-L guesstimate to Snoop and ace pollster, NCC.  

2002-03 season:

82 G's      G   MPG 
WALKER  78  41.5
Pierce      79  39.2        
Williams    82  28.7    
DELK        67  28.0    
Battie      67  25.1    
McCarty 82  23.8    
BREMER  64  23.5    
Blount      27  19.2    
Baker       52  18.1    
Brown       51  13.1    
