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Re: Kidd/Walker

--- Shawn Niles <shizzjr@hotmail.com> wrote:
<<You make a good point and I completely understand it. But it doesn't
change how I feel about Jason. I would never be able to root for him. I
know from personal experience what abuse can do in a relationship and
personally I could never root for someone like Jason, even if he were

Shawn, I respect that.  Rooting is a matter of personal preference.  For
instance, I'm Jewish, and I'd be livid if the Cs acquired Charlie Ward,
Allan Houston or Mark Jackson.  Go back a couple of years and you can find
a NY Times article describing a prayer meeting at which Ward let loose
with a series of millenia-old antisemitic slurs and Houston and Jackson
basically nodded their heads.  If any of them came to the Cs I think I'd
have to stop rooting for the team until they left.  I can't support a
player who hates me.  

By that I don't mean to condone the actions of Jason Kidd or any other
player or coach who's been proven to engage in domestic abuse.  Nor would
I condemn any fan whose rooting interests wouldn't be affected by Ward's
statements (and Houston's and Jackson's acquiescence in them).  Different
things resonate with different people. 

Michael Gooen

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