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ESPN.com - NBA Playoffs 2003 - Scott criticizes Boston fans heading into Game 3

This is more like the good old days, anyway...


p.s. I can't believe has decided Antoine is an
albatross who will help us just by leaving! Talk
about turning on a guy.  Let me tell you guys
something.  We may need to trade Antoine for
the good of the franchise, but he is OUR GUY,
and has played his heart out for us for seven
years.  I personally think he's a great talent, but
more a complementary player than a go-to guy.
But we all knew that along.  I still love him.  Fuck
it.  If we go down now because of him, we wouldn't
be here without him either.


[demime 1.01b removed an attachment of type application/octet-stream which had a name of ESPN.com - NBA Playoffs 2003 - Scott criticizes Boston fans heading into Game 3.url]