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Re: PS - Ainge

--- You wrote:
Just a random thought: THe way Ainge drools over and s*cks up to Jason Kidd
every chance he gets, do you think his first order of business will be to
recruit him this summer when he is a free agent? We do need a PG and let's
face it: all of us ignorant, beer swilling, wife-beating racist Boston fans
will glady accept JK as one of our own!
--- end of quote ---

Unless Kidd agrees to play for the minimum (which is about as likely as Chris
Wallace's being selected for the All-Star team next season), how would we pay
him? The moves by the BDT have taken care of that option.

--- You wrote:
Really can't stand the Boston Herald online going to a pay service. This just
in guys...if we wanted to pay for your paper, we'd go to the store and get it!
Besides, the Globe is where it's at!
--- end of quote ---

I haven't read BH for months. As soon as they went to a subscription service
for their columnists, I laughed and said "buh-bye!".  A rag is only worth
reading if it's free, and sometimes not even then. Who do they think they are -
the New York Times? Puh-leaze.... The only problem is, it leaves no competition
for El Globo whatsoever. Get ready for more Shira Springer "full-body
massages", as Mark so aptly to put it.  