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Forget Songalia..... However

I'm sorry, but Songalia isn't even at the level of Kaspars Kambala,
a dominant player in Europe, who likely will never have an impact
in the NBA..

However, besides the upcoming draft, there may be some European help
on the way, as the Celtics have allegedly invited Walter Herrmann
Heinriech of Fuenlabrada to their summer league team - so has
Philly apparently - that's why it's alleged.

Argentinian Walter Double H is the leading scorer of the Spanish ACB
and a good rebounder.  At 6-9, he's making the transition to small
and can shoot three-pointers. At 23, there's still room for development,

and he possesses great leaping ability.  Perhaps, he could be the other
Walter's replacement, or Heinsohn will have to say: "I love Waltah
and Waltah!"