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Dr. Strangehandle

Now showing at the Fleet:  "Dr. Strangehandle, or How I Learned to Stop Criticizing and Love the Bomb."  In a perilous world where the good guys are pitted against the "evil empire," (pick one:  Jersey, Philly, the Lakers) a sneak attack could win it all--albeit with acceptable casualties.  We may lose 20,000 fans within the Boston area, one-third of them season ticket owners, but that's acceptable since we could win it all with a few well-placed bombs.  Starring:  Sterling Hayden as Jack D. Ripper, alias Obie One, who has holed himself up in his coach's office, cut off from all reasonable advice to the contrary, and launched the offensive that could bring us to the brink of destruction--or victory.  Also, Peter (the veteran all-star) Sellers in three roles:  he's the erstwhile power forward, but elusive and only sometimes found near the paint, he's the point-forward calling for the ball, setting up teammates, hovering at the bomb line, and he's the master bomber, his right arm suddenly seized by mad-bomber forces beyond his control and raised heaven-ward as he tosses yet another bomb somewhere towards the rim.  Nominated for an award, but in multiple roles that his peers just don't respect, he is disappointed once again. This movie (bomb) will certainly have certain memorable moments:  Slim (I Love Walter) Pickens riding the bombs to oblivion, hitting the target as the crowd yells, "Yahoo."  Also, General Ripper (Obie) struggling out of sight with the mild-mannered Mandrake (Wallace) over strategy.  Return to this classic after a few years to see which empire is still standing. Oh, well.  I tend to lose it on Saturday mornings.  Cheers, Gene
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