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desire, baby

" . . . is playing even better than I expected."  Ah, the words of Danny Ainge about our latest cause celeb, Brandon Hunter.  It's enough to give an old man hope in the dull, sweltering days of mid-summer.  What most characterizes the play of  the #13 and #56 choices in this latest draft?  Desire, baby.
This quote, which I take as a tip of the iceberg admission, along with C. Wallace's reported statement that we might find a slot for him, leads me to think that they have opened their eyes.  After all, we divined that Banks was really that good, albeit against ragged competition out West; so, tho' it be merely "summer league," clearly BH is something special.  Now, is there a way to make this will reality?  
I think so.  The rumblings about allowing Sundov to seek a trade, about buying out Baker--somethings going on.  To me, we've uncovered a poor man's Jason Kidd and a poor man's Charles Barkley.  And we're poor, man!  We need these guys.  Get it done, Danny.  Gene  (all I know is what I learned on the dirt courts at elementary school)
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