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Re: 'Sheed speaks up for the exploited masses

Josh Rice wrote:

What is interesting to consider here has nothing to do with Sheed - he's a
pretty unattractive character - but.

The NBA is in fact a charade to some degree. We don't know the degree, at
least I don't. The league is not about basketball, it is about money.
> The
> real money is in endorsements, advertising, TV contracts, etc.

You could be really cynical and make the same claim about anything. The point of TV programming is to make the viewer stick around for the commercials, which pay the bills and everyone's salaries. The point of most movies, books, products, services, etc. etc. is to make money. So? Does that mean that there's no other motivation for basketball players, writers, producers, filmakers, inventors other than making money? Do you think all David Stern cares about is making more money? I don't think so.

 Winning a
championship has no real economic value. The #1 goal of 90% of the players
is to make enough hi-lite clips to get an endorsement. The #1 goal of 90% of
the front offices is make big money by getting on TV and raise the resale
value of the team. David Stern is the mastermind, and we all know he plays
by Enron rules.

All these claims are highly dubious, to say the least.

Bottom line, the league is a TV show. TV shows are always scripted to some
degree. What is the degree?

Depends on what exactly you mean by 'scripted', but I have a sense you're not into parsimonious explanations. And I'm not into conspiracy theories.